Q: What are your biggest ideas coming into 2016 as a marketer?
A: I don’t want to give away the milk for free but I will give you one tidbit, though. Video is clearly an area that has transformed in the last 3 years. Action photography and the invention of The GoPro has changed the way we view the world and people are loving it. If you combine this with the popularity of UAVs (drones), you really have a new perspective. I’m really into utilizing these technologies and seeing how we can push the envelope and give our clients something new. For 2016, we are planning to take video and expanding to new horizons; perhaps, things you have never seen before so stay tuned.
Q: The marketing industry is constantly changing...anything you think will stick around? Is just a fad?
A: I think remarketing is a pseudo-fad for now. Once people start to really understand its principles they may be wary of its origins. It is an effective tool that likely has a 3-5 year lifespan. The "big brother" tracking of remarketing may drive consumers to become more private shoppers. By now, it's likely ruined several birthday or holiday surprises (see Chris' Not So Secret Santa blog) plus, the average person probably doesn't like marketers knowing their every step. As a marketer, I am serving them with advertising that directly reflects their interests in real-time, so I love the idea but clearly understand the challenges.
I think digital media and creative solutions are here to stay. We are seeing vast budgetary shifts to Inbound and Social Media Marketing. The modern shopper is evolving and the industry needs to evolve with them.
Q: What is the #1 question you are often asked as a marketer?
A: From the client perspective- “How much should I spend on advertising?”
Q: What’s your response to them?
A: It really depends on how aggressive you want to be in earning market share and how your business is positioned. A potential client once came to us saying that their plan was to double our earnings in 3 years and "x" is our budget. Do you think this is possible? My answer to them: no. This specific situation had a budget that simply wouldn't offer those types of results. We’re very transparent and honest with our clients. We’ll make it work with their budget but managing their expectations is an important part of the job. Moreover, we would all like to double or triple earnings.
We can always give you hard numbers on what you "should" be spending and what your industry spending averages are but a multitude of factors need to be calculated before we just throw out a number. I would be wary of anyone who gives you a number immediately.
Q: What is the #1 thing you wish clients knew before coming on?
A: I wish they had a better understanding of the digital world. Our biggest educational moments come when they ask about advertising on digital and search. Although educational moments do present our ability, sometimes it delays our process. But hey, that’s part of the job. When I go to get my Jeep fixed I may not need a technical answer but I want to understand why it needed to be fixed since I am paying for it.
Q: What are your hopes for your future in this industry?
A: I hope to be a pioneer and instill that goal on my whole team. It's also imperative to be known as an agency where the creative message comes first. We are driven by the message; the tactics will always change but aren’t as important as that message. 25 years ago, Yellow Book was a great idea; today, it's a healthy Facebook page. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but your brand story and what you are saying is timeless.
Want to know more about Chris and his magic marketing skills? Read on, friends.