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Leah ParilloAug 25, 20243 min read

Why Wasting Money on Traditional Lead Generation Sucks (And How to Stop It)

Why Wasting Money on Traditional Lead Generation Sucks (And How to Stop It)



Let’s be real: wasting money sucks.

Especially when you see dollars flying out the door with no leads or sales to show for it. If you’re like many business owners in commercial construction, manufacturing, engineering, or professional B2B services, you’ve probably been burned before. You were sold on a “golden goose” to your lead gen woes, only to discover it was ineffective tactics that anyone with a YouTube account could replicate.

At SIX Marketing, we don’t play those games. We take a completely different approach to lead generation—one built on data, precision, and real, measurable results. This isn’t about throwing money at a social media platform and hoping someone bites. This is about delivering qualified leads that are primed and ready to convert.


The Problem with Traditional Lead Generation

Traditional lead generation is often like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. Here’s why it’s failing your business:

  • Broad and Inefficient Targeting: The wide-net approach might catch a few leads, but are they the right ones? Probably not.
  • Resource Drain: It’s costly, time-consuming, and often results in little to no ROI.
  • Longer Sales Cycles: Chasing after unqualified leads only drags out your sales process, making it harder to hit revenue targets.

Simply put, if you’re still relying on these old-school tactics, you’re throwing money away. But there’s a better way.


The SIX Marketing Difference: A Data-Driven ABM Approach

Here at SIX Marketing, we don’t just check some ABM boxes and call it a day. We’re kind of obsessed with getting results. Our Account-Based Marketing (ABM) approach is all about precision, personalization, and driving real revenue. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Deep-Dive Research: Our research team doesn’t just scratch the surface. We dig deep into the DNA of your ideal clients, profiling their businesses, buying scenarios, and key decision-makers. Think of us as your marketing detectives.

  2. Precision Mapping: Once we have the intel, we precision-map the accounts that are in the market to buy right now. No guesswork. Just pure data-driven targeting.

  3. Personalized Multi-Channel Campaigns: This is where the magic happens. We build out a super personalized multi-channel campaign with content that’s designed to drive those juicy clicks straight to your business.

  4. Consistent Revenue You Can Scale: We’re obsessed with moving accounts through each stage of the buying process, priming them as ready-to-close opportunities just waiting for you. It’s consistent revenue you can predict and scale.


Why This Matters for Your Business

You’ve probably heard it all before: flashy promises, big talk, and little to show for it. But with SIX Marketing, we don’t just talk the talk. We deliver. Our ABM approach isn’t about spamming prospects or hoping for the best. It’s about generating a measurable pipeline impact that drives real growth for your business.


The Results Speak for Themselves

Clients across commercial construction, manufacturing, engineering, and professional B2B services have seen transformative results with our approach:

  • Increased Conversion Rates: With precise targeting, we don’t waste time on leads that won’t convert. Instead, we focus on those that do, increasing your conversion rates and boosting your sales.
  • Shorter Sales Cycles: By targeting high-intent prospects, we help you close deals faster, improving your cash flow and revenue predictability.
  • Higher ROI: Our data-driven approach ensures that every marketing dollar is spent effectively, maximizing your ROI and driving sustainable growth.


Ready to Stop Wasting Money and Start Seeing Results?

Look, any firm can spam prospects and hope for the best. But if you’re ready to move beyond overcaffeinated, failed attempts at ABM and finally experience what an elite, revenue-focused program can deliver, then let’s talk.

SIX Marketing isn’t just another agency—we’re your partner in driving measurable growth. Ready to see the difference our ABM approach can make? When you’re ready, let’s have a conversation about how we can help you achieve your sales and revenue goals.